Babies and Toddlers E-Learning - Schema Play
The aim of this e-learning is to support practitioners to understand the theory and importance of children’s schematic play, some of the key behaviours associated with the more common schemas and how adults can support these within an enabling environment. It is suitable for new and existing baby room practitioners and any members of your staff team who want to refresh their professional development around working with babies and young children.
Babies and Toddlers E-Learning - The Sensory Baby
Babies and Toddlers E-Learning - The Awe and Wonder of Babies
This e-learning explores how babies and young children learn and develop and the importance of an enabling environment and positive relationships in supporting this. It is suitable for new and existing baby room practitioners and any members of your staff team who want to refresh their professional development around working with babies and young children.
Babies and Toddlers E-Learning - Terrific Twos
Babies and Toddlers E-Learning - The Communicating Baby
Babies and Toddlers E-Learning - Let's Get Physical: Understanding physical development in babies and toddlers
Babies and Toddlers E-Learning - Understanding the personal care routines of babies and toddlers
Babies and Toddlers E-Learning - The importance of singing with babies and toddlers
The Wonder Years - an insight into the progression of children’s play
Examine the progression of social interaction and children’s play. Delegates will gain a deeper understanding of aspects of child development and the range of resources and activities that will support learning and development of babies and young children from birth to five.