A Tale of the Senses: an Introduction to Sensory Stories - Bitesize eLearning training

Within this eLearning you will explore the sensory stories approach. We will explain the format to a sensory story as well as discuss children who this approach will benefit. We then have a look at a range of different sensory stories that you could use within your setting. 

An Introduction to Sensory Ladders - Bitesize eLearning training

This bitesize, eLearning training will provide you with an introduction to the sensory ladders approach. You will learn about how sensory ladders can support children with sensory processing difficulties, as well as see a range of examples of sensory ladders for different ages. 

Stammering and Fluency - a bitesize introduction

A bitesize training module exploring stammering and fluency. You will learn more about what a stammer is as well as what to do if you have concerns.

Talking Spaces Under the Sky - a bitesize introduction to den building

A bitesize training module reflecting on the outdoor environment and how building dens and talking spaces can impact on children’s communication and learning.

Top tips for adult-child interaction - a bitesize introduction

A bitesize training program offering top tips and advice for developing adult-child interaction.

Supporting attention and listening - a bitesize introduction

A bitesize training program offering top tips and advice for supporting children's attention and listening skills. 

Supporting speech sound development - bitesize introduction

A bitesize training program offering top tips and advice for supporting children's speech sound development.

Developing a Communication Friendly Environment -a bitesize introduction

A bitesize training module reflecting on a child’s environment and how this can impact of their communication.

Identification and assessment of Speech, Language and Communication Needs - a bitesize introduction.

This bitesize training will explore why it is important to identify and monitor children’s speech, language and communication needs. It will then provide you with lots of example screening tools that are available to you and give tips and ideas of what to do if you have concerns.