Preparing for Ofsted - completion

This section contains additional information which can be accessed on completion of the Preparing for Ofsted eLearning Modules contained within: 

Taking Ofsted in your stride , Topic: Preparing for Ofsted (

 A password to access this section will be provided when you have completed the feedback questionnaire.

Taking Ofsted in your stride

This section contains information, documentation and a range of other interactive resources to support you in preparing for inspection. 

These include:
Ofsted Inspection Documents and guidance
Bitesize eLearning modules in preparation for Ofsted
Early Years Inspections Unwrapped podcasts
Materials in regard to good practice in Leadership and Management

Ready Steady Ofsted

Welcome to the Ready Steady Ofsted Modules.  These are designed to help you prepare for your Ofsted inspection under the new Inspection Framework (September 2019). There are three sections, from the Inclusion, CDBO and Advisory teams.