This section includes information about the Wraparound programme in Hampshire. 

Wraparound Programme presentations

This section includes information about the Wraparound programme in Hampshire.

HAF Standards and Guidance

This section includes links to current Department for Education guidance on the HAF programme.
For further information please email 

HAF Safeguarding and Inclusion

This section includes resources and links to support you with Safeguarding, Inclusion, SEND and Behaviour Management.

HAF Communications

This section contains all the latest webinars and presentations 

HAF Libraries link up and Literacy support

This section includes resources and ideas to help HAF providers incorporate reading, story-telling and story-making into their activity programmes

HAF Food and Nutrition

This section includes resources and ideas relating to the HAF food and nutrition requirements for activity providers.

HAF Health

Find here key messages for children and families on healthy bodies, healthy relationships, going smokefree and emotional wellbeing.

HAF Monitoring

Here you will find all the resources relating to monitoring and self-assessment.

HAF Signposting Information

Please follow the link below to access the HAF Signposting Information page

HAF Signposting Information